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Catastrophe Response

The key to an effective emergency response is planning, and that’s a 24/7, 365-day-a-year job for Citizens’ Catastrophe Operations (CAT Ops) and Catastrophe Response Center (CRC) teams.

Citizens designs its storm response plans to be scalable to fit the level of response required in each storm situation. CAT Ops and CRC teams lead development of a companywide emergency response master plan, which is updated before each year’s hurricane season. Preparations also involve other units in year-round training and exercises, including Claims, the Customer Care Center, Underwriting, Risk Management, Information Technology and Communications.

All catastrophe response teams are committed to responding quickly to disasters and providing local services and support. These teams are made up of managers, support staff and adjusters experienced in handling catastrophic events and claims resulting from damages incurred by Citizens policyholders.

Finally, Citizens’ emergency response master plan also includes individual business unit plans for areas that help support the overall catastrophe response, including Facilities and General Services, Human Resources, Purchasing, Accounting, Corporate Analytics, Claims Recovery, Special Investigations Unit, and Vendor Operations.

Citizens is committed to responding quickly to disasters and providing local services and support to policyholders after a storm.

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Call Citizens First

Report your claim as soon as you become aware of or suspect damage. Citizens offers our customers two convenient ways to report a claim:

How to Contact Us


Report your claim by computer or mobile device through myPolicy, Citizens’ online, policyholder self-service tool.

Claims Hotline – 866.411.2742

Citizens’ toll-free claims hotline is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you are displaced following the hurricane, make sure you provide temporary contact information when you report your claim. If we can’t reach you, your claim could be delayed.


How to report a claim
Reporting a Claim in 4 Easy Steps