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Statement on Office of Insurance Regulation’s 2025 Rate Order Approvals

Please attribute the following statement to Citizens Property Insurance Corporation or Michael Peltier, Citizens spokesman. 

“As it does every year, Citizens submitted a set of proposed rate recommendations to the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation for review. The agency reviewed the proposal, sought additional information, and approved rates for the upcoming cycle.

“It is common and appropriate for Citizens’ rate-making process to involve a deliberate and thorough regulatory analysis, especially after a particularly active hurricane season. Moreover, as Governor DeSantis stated, the 2025 rates reflect the many positive developments that have taken place in the Florida property insurance market since our original recommendations were filed.

“We thank OIR for its consideration and will implement the approved rates as required by law.”

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Media Contact


Michael Peltier, Media Contact

Preguntas de la Prensa

Michael Peltier
850.513.3774 (oficina)
850.264.7702 (celda)

About Citizens

Acerca de Citizens

En el 2002, la Legislatura de la Florida creo a Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens), un asegurador alternativo sin fines de lucro, cuyo propósito público es proveer seguro, y atender a las necesidades de propietarios de viviendas que no pueden encontrar cobertura en el mercado privado de seguro.

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