20240220 - New Citizens Website - Relaunch - Public
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The redesigned Citizens website is finally here! As announced on March 30, 2023, we are excited to share this new site, which will feature a modern and user-friendly layout with intuitive navigation. There will be no changes to the current systems access or content. Below you can find an overview of the new website and its updates.
The enhancements include a redesigned public website view.
Figure 1: Public site desktop view
Note: Live Chat has also been added to all of the Public site pages but is available to policyholders only at this time.
Clicking on a topic at the top of the screen will take you to an improved navigation menu that allows you to view all available topics at once.
Figure 2: Public site Insurance navigation drop-down menu
To Access the Agent Site
Select Login from the menu bar. You will be prompted to enter your Citizens-issued credentials and select Submit.
Once logged in, your initials will replace the login icon.
Figure 3: Agent site view after agent has logged in
When you click on your initials, you will be able to access PolicyCenter® and other Citizens systems you have permission to access.
Figure 4: My Sites list will only display the sites to which the user logged in has access.
The Wind-Only Eligibility Tool (PIWEST) is now available on the main screen for easy access once you log in.
Figure 5: Agent site, Wind-Only Eligibility Tool (PIWEST)
To access the Training pages, select Training from the menu along the top of the screen. From that menu, select the training you would like to view.
Figure 6: Agent site Training options
To access the Personal Lines Underwriting Manuals, select Personal from the menu along the top of the screen. From that menu, select the line of business or policy form you are looking for. In this menu, you will also find the new Flood page and the Processing Times page.
Figure 7: Agent site Underwriting Manuals
To access the Agent Bulletins, select News from the menu along the top of the screen. From that menu, select what you would like to read.
Figure 8: Agent site News
A new mobile-friendly interface that improves navigation on cell phones and tablets is included in the redesign.
Figure 9: Public site mobile view
Take a guided tour of the redesigned website.
Legal Disclaimer
Citizens provides agent communications online for historical purposes only, and the communications have not been updated to include any changes that may have been made after publication. Agents can find the latest information by reviewing the applicable underwriting manuals, and by logging in and accessing our FAQs, which are available from the top of any page on our website.
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