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Before you submit this request, you must agree to the confidentiality agreement.
The Undersigned acknowledges and agrees, pursuant to 627.351(6)(x), to the following:
  1. All documents produced by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation in response to the request for documents shall be subject to this Confidentiality Agreement.
  2. All documents produced by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation in response to the request for documents will be clearly marked to show that they are subject to this Confidentiality Agreement.
  3. The insured(s) and insured's representatives may review all documents produced in response to the request for documents by Citizens Property Insurance Corporation subject to this Confidentiality Agreement.
  4. Unless and until ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, the insured(s) and insured's representatives will not use any such document, including a summary or description thereof, in any fashion, except in connection with the underlying claim.
  5. Unless and until order by a court of competent jurisdiction, the insured(s) and insured's representatives shall not distribute any such document, including a summary or description thereof, to anyone other than an expert retained on behalf of the insured in connection with the underlying claim. Any expert retained on behalf of the insured is bound by this Confidentiality Agreement. It is the responsibility of insured(s) or insured's representative to advise any expert retained on behalf of the insured of the requirements of this Confidentiality Agreement.

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About Citizens

Acerca de Citizens

En el 2002, la Legislatura de la Florida creo a Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (Citizens), un asegurador alternativo sin fines de lucro, cuyo propósito público es proveer seguro, y atender a las necesidades de propietarios de viviendas que no pueden encontrar cobertura en el mercado privado de seguro.

Under Florida Law

Bajo la Ley de la Florida

Direcciones de correo electrónico enviados a Citizens son datos públicos. Si usted no desea que su dirección de correo electrónico sea publicado en respuesta a una solicitud de datos públicos, favor de no enviar correo electrónico a Citizens. En vez, comuníquese con nuestra oficina por teléfono o por escrito.

Policyholder Rights

Declaración de los Derechos del Asegurado

Citizens tiene un compromiso a proveer el mejor posible servicio al cliente a sus asegurados. Como parte de ese compromiso, Citizens se adhiere a lo siguiente:

Declaración de los Derechos del Asegurado

  • Creado por Citizens como parte de su Plan de Operación
  • Aplica a todos los asegurados de Citizens

Dueño de una Casa reivindicaciones Declaración de Derechos

  • Creado por la Legislatura de la Florida
  • Se aplica a cualquier reclamo de seguro de propiedad residencial personal presentada a las compañías de seguro de propiedad y accidentes que operan en la Florida