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Brochures Overview
Information at Your Fingertips
Citizens offers a comprehensive library of educational brochures as part of our commitment to educating policyholders and others about our services and programs.
Print-ready brochures can be downloaded below. Citizens authorizes use of this information without charge and under the conditions that appropriate attribution is made to Citizens and this page, and that if any portion of this page or its resources are used, they are not altered.
* Applicable only to claims filed on policies issued in 2012 or later
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Policy Discounts
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Order Learning Brochures
Share the Knowledge
Citizens’ diverse library of educational brochures is available for ordering in quantities of 25-250 printed brochures. Most of the titles on the Brochures page are available.* You can request up to six titles per order and may submit multiple orders.
*FLASH brochures are not created by Citizens and are not available for ordering.
Mobile Header - Help Stop Fraud
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Common property insurance fraud
- Providing deceptive information as part of a claim about the cause or date of loss or property location
- Knowingly inflating the value of damaged property on an otherwise legitimate claim
- Intentionally damaging property to make a claim
- Staging a burglary or theft and then falsely reporting a claim for stolen or damaged property
- Asking a vendor to inflate a repair estimate or invoice by the deductible amount or more
- Creating a false repair bill or receipt in support of a claim
- Concealing the use of or misstating the value of a residence to an insurance agent to reduce an insurance premium
- Submitting false information to or permitting false information to be submitted by an inspector in order to obtain a wind mitigation premium credit
Learn more about how you can:
- Identify, report and help stop insurance fraud
- Avoid fraud after a catastrophe